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lundi 7 mars 2011

Biological Rejuvenation - Healing energies for your body

Biological Rejuvenation - Healing energies for your body
Ask Tobias series 2010 | ISBN n/a | Language English | Two CD set - MP3 | 98 MB

Featuring Tobias channeled through Geoffrey Hoppe (Crimson Circle)

In this dynamic and encouraging session, Tobias and Ohamah join their energies together to answer questions about physical health issues and tapping into the body's innate healing abilities. Tobias talks about how we designed the body to heal and repair itself, and how these energies can be brought forth to work for us now.

In this Ask Tobias session, moderated by Dr. Doug Davies, a Beverly Hills neurologist, and Keith Smith, a renowned herbalist and iridologist, Tobias answers questions from Keith and Doug, as well as questions submitted by Shaumbra around the world. This channeled session contains important information for individuals, healers and facilitators.

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